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Easter recharge

Writer's picture: AnikaAnika

Even though the death toll in the UK reached over 10,000 over the Easter weekend, we were strangely content in our bubble at home. A great big thank you to all the key workers out there that are risking their lives to keep the country going and us all safe!

The social distancing measures seem to very gradually be taking effect too and countries such as Italy and Spain are considering allowing some businesses to go back to work. China has relaxed its social distancing measures and life seems to be very slowly returning to the streets.

The Ups and Downs of the previous weeks seem to be less extreme, and the new slower way of life is manifesting itself in all that we do. We are incredibly lucky to have a garden, and the weather was summer like, so we hunted for eggs, barbequed, did relay races and crafts. The kids still ask when they can next see their friends and zoom or what's app calls only go so far in satisfying the desire to re-connect with loved ones. And there was also a fair amount of screen time, boredom, arguing and tantrums (theirs and mine!). But overall, it was relaxing and fun. We also started going for a run around the park together first thing in the morning and that is so good for the soul :-)

There are still lots of questions and the kids say things like, 'Mummy, when Corona is over can we do...'. There is still an underlying worry of when things really will get back to 'normal' and what 'normal' will look like. Will we all have to wear masks until a vaccine is found? How long will that take? Will we go down the route of creating herd immunity and does that mean we need to go through a number of further (smaller) peaks? Will we all be safe? So, the underlying uncertainty, worry and anxiety remains, but we are trying to make the most out of the new found quality time we have together. As my eldest would say, we are doing our best to make lemonade (out of lemons... ;-).

How are you getting on? And what activities have you found that help your happiness?

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